Annina Loets
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Spring 2024
PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 916: Ability and Action
Fall 2023
PHIL 560: Metaphysics
Humboldt-University, Berlin
Summer 2023
Persons, Bodies, Animals (lower level)
Metasemantics: What determines meaning? (upper level, co-taught with Richard Woodward)
Winter 2023
Introduction to Metaphysics (lecture course, lower level)
What if? Conditionals
Summer 2022
The metaphysics of modality (lower level)
`Knowledge and its Limits' (upper level, co-taught with Richard Woodward)
Winter 2021/2022:
Transparency (and Opacity) in Language and Thought (lower level)
Vagueness (upper level)
Summer 2021:
A lower level class on sceptical and anti-sceptical arguments
An upper level class on the metaphysics of ordinary objects
University of Oxford
At Oxford, I used to teach the
first year logic course
, as well as the following finals papers:
Knowledge and Reality (102)
Philosophy of Logic and Language (108)
Philosophical Logic (127)